A new Direction!

  It’s not where you start, but where you end up.  

With the first month of the new year almost gone, I have began to put together ideas of where I want to be in some areas of my life by the end of 2012.  One of those areas being my blog.  I originally started this blog with the intention of using it to write out my thoughts, or for some sort of  journal.  I never really intended to get back into post pictures on my blog.  However, I recently started this Project 365 (this year Project 366, due to leap year) and realized just how much fun it is to take a picture everyday, of something that represents that day of the year.  Some days I might not go anywhere, just lounge around in pj’s and not put on any makeup.  In that case, I might chose to photograph a current project or something someone else in my family is up to.  Up to this point, I have only shared my photos on facebook, to my close friends, but now I have decided to start sharing them with you all.  I shall continue to write, but it mostly will revolve around the photo for that day.  Come August I will be 19.  It is my goal to have about 100 follows, readers and supporters come that time.  So if you like what you read, please take a moment to hit that follow button, tweet it, facebook it, reblog it or simply comment that way I know you’ve been here.  I hope to keep it as fun and interesting as possible, while sharing my love for photography and giving you a glimpse into my thoughts.  Without much ado, here is my first photo!